Through the course of the module, you have learned about reactions to change and factors that influence individuals’ perception of change. During the Case Study learning activity, you had a chance to apply leading change principles aimed at helping individuals in the organization get onboard and contribute to the change efforts.

As a final learning activity, please reflect on the following questions. Although this is an individual activity, please write down your answers.

1. How do you as an individual respond to change?

Are you consistently modeling the behaviour you expect from your employees? If so, how?

If not, how can you improve your response and attitude towards change?

2. What are some things that you already do to assist in effectively leading change amongst your team?

3. What are three concrete actions you can do to improve your leadership during times of change?

Once you’ve completed your reflection, please make sure you keep your answers in a visible place (on your desk, on a post-it in your planner); by referring back to them frequently, you can keep your development objectives in mind and create opportunities to develop your change leadership skills.

Congratulations, you have completed the module! Please take a few moments to complete the course evaluation.

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