Getting Wired- Key Theorist
Globalization is an interesting concept. After reading Chapter 7 that covers many themes that connect to our world in which we live and interact I am intrigued with what Manuel Castells, along with many other theorists describe as today’s modern society as “a rise of the network society.” Murphie & Potts, (2003)188.
Two theorists who explore the idea of globalization and how it effects the economy are Don Tapscott in his book “Digital Capital” and Kevin Kelly in his book “New Rules for the New Economy.” They both share a commonality that constant innovation is the key to business in the networked economy. Murphie & Potts (2003)188.
Kelly states that humans are weaving the global network in our lives, minds and our artifacts. He is quotes to say,” The dynamic of our society, and particular our new econmy, will increasingly obey the logic of networks. Understanding how networks work will be the key to understanding how the economy works.”
Don Tapscott discusses solutions and provides analysis of a business-model to be innovative in this digital economy. Business and capital are eroding many other forms of sovereignty. Murphie & Potts (2003)185.
Other books:
Kelly, K.(2010) What Technology Wants. New York, Viking.