Text and Image – Assignment 4


One of the aspects that intrigued me was the development of text as a method of communication. I was also very interested in the chapter in Boulter’s book “Breakout of the Visual”, so I decided to look at the relationship between texts and image, and explore the history of visual communication. I was also interested in seeing if the fears of image taking over text had any historical significance. It turns out that there is an ebb and flow to the relationship. In some eras they are close and in others there is little overlap. We are currently at a stage where the relationship is moving to become closer together after being very segregated for so long.

Production Choices:

I decided to present this information visually, as the topic is text and image. To make it more visually appealing I want the text to be animated, so I decided to use Adobe Captivate. It is pretty text heavy but I think that works with subject matter. I tried to make the images complement the text, and in some areas hold part of the narration to illustrate the relationship between the two methods of communication.

For the background music, I chose one of the songs I remixed for the Rip.Mix.Feed project. When I was completing the project, I chose to create a slower song so that I would be able to use it as background music.


I found it a bit challenging to find pictures for the “digital era”. For a time period with a lot of visuals, it can be difficult to find images that represent it. I was able to use two internet connectivity maps, which I think are representative of the digital era. I also found it a bit challenge to find the right amount of text to put in each section. I wanted there to be information, but because the viewer has to read it all, it had to fit a small area.


I’m very pleased that I was able to find information about text and images from so many different time periods, because I wasn’t sure if there would be publications on all of them. Some eras had more researching covering the topic, but there was some for all of them.

Here is my video:

YouTube Preview Image

References PDF:


2 thoughts on “Text and Image – Assignment 4

  1. Catherine,

    You certainly did your research! A very well organized and in depth look at text. Well done.


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