These are not kids in a classroom preparing to take whatever state mandated tests in whatever state. The world Maira Kalman creates in her illustrations and poetry is funny, sad, stunningly prophetic, and whimsical. This classroom reflects a decidedly pre-NCLB utopia, that never existed, but perhaps dwells in our minds sufficiently to remember there is an alternative.
Note: Maira Kalman’s books have been read at my house for years, by adults and children alike. She has lightened the instructions for good English in an illustrated version of Strunk and White
Maira Kalman’s Max is my third favorite dog in the world, behind Benzie and Satchel. Well, maybe my fourth favorite, behind Hoover…No make that my fifth favorite dog, behind all those plus Megan. Crepe Suzette is up there too!
I love the way Max (and everyone else) is facing away from the “teacher,” dreamily lost in their own imagination. Max is, I think, composing those poems for which he is famous!