RE: $600,000 – $2,000,000 from Youtube Videos. Wow.

YouTube is home to more than a million video creators around the world, bringing in over 800 million unique user visits each month. As Eleanore mentions in her blog post, “$600,000 – $2,000,000 from YouTube Videos. Wow.”, these video makers can earn up to 2 million dollars a year; that is, if they have enough views and subscribers. So, how do they get more views? More followers? The answer is of course, marketing.
As Eleanore mentioned, marketing acts as a mediator of the self-interests of a business and the needs of the buyer, and it allows others to know where your personalities and traits lie. As a YouTube creator, it is not easy in the beginning to gain subscribers and to get their videos out to the right people. These people need to utilize the features of YouTube and other channels in order to better advertise their videos, whether it is about makeup, humour, or life advice. For instance, the thumbnail that appears for each video is part of what brings in the viewers. If the picture shows something interesting, shocking, or amazing, then more people will click the video. Furthermore, just having subscribers doesn’t mean that they’ll watch all your videos. This means that the creators must also think about the title of the video for peaking the interests of the viewers. The more outrageous, the better.  Look at this video, for example:

The title makes you curious, doesn’t it? What surprise? What’s going to happen? You’ll only know if you watch the video. As it turns out, the video turned out to be an advertisement for a TV channel, but it was exciting while it lasted. However, as we can see, marketing isn’t just important for large corporations, but also for individuals. If one is successful, they might be able to earn as much as Jenna Marbles does.

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