Marketing Faceoff: Samsung vs. Apple

The long fought battle between Apple and Samsung has just begun. As everyone knows, these two companies are two of the leading providers of mobile phones these days, and they are constantly striving to keep their market share. Recently, CNET has reported that Samsung has outspent its rival in regards to marketing, consuming a whopping $401 million. In comparison, Apple has a reported budget of $333 million. Because Samsung has not been on the scene as long as Apple has, they have had to go further in leveraging its marketing strategies in order to win over the consumers. With other phones such as the HTC and LG Optimus gaining popularity, firms cannot relax for even one moment. Samsung has been known to heavily advertise its “Next Big Thing” campaigns everywhere, and it even utilizes and insults Apple at the same time. Take a look at this commercial, for example:

What better way to show that you’re better than your rival than this? It’s direct, it’s clear, and consumers will understand the message: that Apple is yesterday’s news.  If people actually choose to believe it or not is up to them; however, the meaning is apparent. While Apple does still control a majority of the industry’s profits, Samsung is slowly climbing its way up, and is also expected to continue heavily with its promotions. With the new Galaxy S IV coming to carriers in May, the corporation will be able to see the effect of its innovation, research, and marketing on the consumers soon enough. Personally, I’m getting myself on the pre-order list ASAP.

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