Deadpan Portrait

The Gift Shop, 2013 – Andrew Jason Gautreau

Grab your Guns – Brayden Gerbrandt


Wallflower – Brittany Lum-Cho

Tough Guys – Connor Moran 


Knee Deep – Eric Brunt

Eye Level – Evan Graves



Jane – Lucas Hrubizna


When missing goes beyond – Marifer Ramirez







Deadpan Landscape

A View From Rothko Parking Stall, 2013 – Andrew Jason Gautreau

Complicated Memories of Linear Continuation – Brittany Lum-Cho

Before and After Transit – Connor Moran

Desolation – Eric Brunt

13, 14, 15, 16 – Evan Graves

Pillar to Post – Francesca Dill

Always Sea – Jenna Hambrook

Little Escapes – Joe Carney
A place for children to imagine is left abandoned on a plot for a new housing development.

Keeping up with the Jones – Lucas Hrubizna

Forgotten Screams – Patrick Warshawski
I have hated the circus and clowns since i was a little child. In my opinion, circus tents, which for many people are spaces of amazement, awe, and fantastical fun, are nothing but bleak spaces of creepy fear. I am thankful the circus is leaving Vancouver. This deadpan landscape reflects the bleak and sinister feeling I feel exists inherently in Circus events.


Cara – Marifer Ramirez

Sold Out – Yassmina Karajah

Night Time Play – Zoe Arthur


If this is Art

Dewey-Decimal-By-Chance – Andrew Jason Gautreau

Off to Nothing – Brayden Gerbrandt


Insomnia – Brittany Lum-Cho



Preoccupied – Connor Moran

Paradise – Diandra Barsalou

The Morning Edition – Eric Brunt



Call Me – Evan Graves




Baking Free – Giovanna Gonzalez

Iluminado – Francesca Dill

Marathon of Shame: The Wheels of Industry – Joe Carney

You Dirty Girl – Jenna Hambrook


Extreme Huntress – Lucas Hrubizna
The girl plays an arcade hunting simulation while wearing an iconic jacket of the Canadian outdoorsman. A seeming disconnect exists between the virtual creatures she kills on screen, and the furry hide and goose down that she uses to cover herself within the context of an urban environment.


Crime by Color – M Patrick Warshawski
Colors add brilliance, beauty, and immense impact to the different ways we see the world. An artist can transform a pure white canvas into a luminous display of colorful composition. But while we find great comfort and dazzling beauty in color, we can also find immense disgust and uncomfort. Bloody Red hues bring a sense of fear, filth, and decay. Why aren’t all colors beautiful?


Raincover – Marifer Ramirez

Capture – Yassmina Karajah


Look Up – Yeon Kyeom Kim

View from an Ashtray – Zoe Arthur