Project Proposal
View our Vancouver Food Asset Map: Food Production project proposal here: Project Proposal – Group 11
Weekly Achievements – Upon Reflection
Week 3:
- Established a communication and work forum where all group members can talk and contribute to work from their respective locations
- Met with our community partner and discussed the project details
- Assigned roles to our team members and divided tasks equally among the group (by food production category e.g. urban farms, orchards, etc.)
- Successfully completed and posted our first blog post
Week 4 – 5:
- Completed project proposal draft and received feedback from our TA (Francisco) and professor (Will)
Week 5:
- Completed and finalized our proposal, incorporating Francisco’s and Will’s feedback
- Started our data collection and research on local food production assets in Vancouver
Week 6:
- Scheduled and confirmed the times and locations of three map trialling events
Weekly Objectives – Moving Forward
Week 7:
- Update existing food asset information if information is missing or no longer correct on the excel data sheet
- Data collection week! Members of the group to strive to collect a large amount of data by internet browsing, phone calls, emailing and in person visits – upload data to the excel sheet
Week 8:
- Trial the map at 3 Save on Food locations
- Work on and submit 3rd group blog post
Week 9:
- Data collection week! Upload to excel file
- Reflect on collection methods and ways to improve
- Assess map trial feedback from the community by summarizing the data and analyzing it
Week 10:
- Collect any last data. Review excel submissions and ensure everything is in order
- Start to analyze the results
- Group meeting to prepare action plan for presentation, infographic and final paper
Week 11:
- Analyze the data and begin to write up results
- Group meeting to prepare for upcoming deliverables
Week 12:
- Last blog post and reflections
- Present to our peers the successes of our project, the results, what we have learned from the project and how we will move forward in the future
- Present the infographic
Week 13:
- Submit group final paper
Strategies for Achieving Our Objectives
- Communicate regularly with group members through email and WhatsApp to ensure tasks are completed on time
- Contact our community partner, Teya Stephens, if we have any questions or concerns with the project and to stay updated with project information
- Meet up each week to discuss and work on our project as a group to ensure that the project is progressing smoothly
Moment of Significance: Writing the Proposal
Exactly what the Vancouver Food Asset Map project entailed was brought into perspective through our proposal report. Before we could explain to others what we were doing in the proposal, we had to figure it out for ourselves. Our group brainstormed and made up a rough proposal draft, but it was somewhat confusing for us; if an ‘outsider’ were to read it, we felt like they would not understand the exact purpose of the project or how we were planning to complete it. There was definitely uncertainty and lack of clarity in project goals/objectives and research questions during the initial stages of the writing the proposal.
So What?
We had to seek out help from our professor and TA to clear up uncertainties we had about the proposal which in turn also helped us put a clear focus on the proposal and the project itself. During our meeting with the professor, we also learned the techniques to searching for new food assets such as the effectiveness of calling versus emailing an organization when contacting them. From this new information we could split up the remaining work and set up reasonable goals for what we will accomplish for this project.
Now What?
By inquiring about the proposal writing process and making changes accordingly, we feel that we were able to clarify our goals for the project. We were also able to establish well-defined research questions to help provide direct for our research. Through what we’ve learned these past few weeks, we feel better prepared for future assignments. We intend to continue communicating and meeting with our project supervisors throughout the term to minimize uncertainties/misunderstandings and for support in achieving our project goals.