
 Project Coordinator

Kees Lokman, University of British Columbia


Project Researchers (past and present)

Lee Patola, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Huijing Chen, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Chris Walker, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Kalli Niedoba, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Nate Ross, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Grace Morazzani, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Sam McFaul, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture


Project Supervisors

Joe Fry, Jordan Lypkie, Allison Tweedie and Kaitlyn Pelletier, Hapa Collaborative

Kelty McKinnon and Grant Fahlgren, PFS Studio

Derek Lee and Jenna Buchko, PWL Partnership

Jeff Cutler and Isabel Kunigk, Space2Place Landscape Architects



Mitacs Canada


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