Upcoming Events

Brewing Solidarity Presents: Salsa Night at FiveSixty
GEOGRAPHY 495: Brewing Solidarity invites you to a night of salsa dancing in support of our community partners, BC CASA & the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) in Guatemala.When: Wednesday March 13th, from 9pm
Where: Club 560 | 560 Seymour St. (778) 891.7644
Tickets are $10 ($5 go to our solidarity efforts) and include a beginner salsa class 9:15-10pm and a night of dancing!
Additionally, the students of 495 will be selling raffle tickets throughout the night and there are some great prizes! Tickets are for sale in the Geography building.BC CASA is a Vancouver-based volunteer group that works in solidarity with human rights and community organizations in Guatemala. The CCDA is an organization that works to defend the rights of workers on large coffee, sugar and cotton plantations, to recover lands taken from the Mayan communities over the past centuries, and to promote and recover Mayan culture and spirituality. Our goal vis-a-vis BC CASA this year is to support the CCDA’s BC solidarity tour in March. Visit our blog: https://blogs.ubc.ca/geo495 for more information and announcements about events.

We also invite you to purchase Cafe Justicia, which is produced by the CCDA farmers. You may order medium or dark roast, as beans or ground coffee.


Brewing Solidarity Presents: Solidarity Lunch with Guatemalan Social Activists

by Omar Abril ~ March 11th, 2013 (edit)

Leocadio Juracán (coordinator) and Francisco Coz Xiap (elder) of the Campesino Committee of the Highlands are coming to BC to build solidarity networks to support their efforts to maintain land rights and cultural vitality in the face of human rights and environmental abuses in Guatemala.

Our class is supporting the CCDA’s visit in collaboration with BC CASA. To this end, we are organizing a talk (with lunch provided) at the First Nations Longhouse on March 18th, open to the general public from 11:30am-1:00pm. Our goal is to create a space for networking and relationship building, while raising awareness about the social, political, and cultural work the CCDA does in Guatemala.

Come out and connect with the CCDA to support social justice and strengthen North-South solidarity networks!

Please RSVP (preferably before Friday, March 15th, 11:59PM) so that we can prepare enough food for everyone.

When: Monday, March 18th 2013. 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Location: First Nations House of Learning
1985 West Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2

FREE Lunch will be served at 11:30 am

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