
(Hiran, 2015)

Statistics show that nearly half the population of Mumbai currently reside in slums; it is often referred as the Global Slum Capital. After India’s independence in 1947, a range of policies was implemented in hopes of mitigating the housing crisis of Mumbai, yet regardless of the city’s efforts, the housing crisis has only worsened over time and resulted in further slum growth

In this blog, we focus on the slum redevelopment plan in Dharavi as well as examining how the policies have failed regarding gentrification. In addition, we look at the current housing crisis faced by the peoples of Dharavi.


Hiran, B. (2015). Dharavi. [image]. Available at: https://www.haikudeck.com/dharavi-education-presentation-Rxc2gGIbX2#slide0 [Accessed 4 Mar. 2017].

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