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Gentrification has become a “global urban strategy” in the past decades (Ghertner 2014). In recent years, it has become an increasing dynamic process in the Global South, this phenomena is especially proliferate in rapid developing cities, most notably Mumbai. Thus our group is interested in the ongoing process of the Southern gentrification process and how it differs from the Northern structure.

Our fascination of Mumbai begins with India, as the nation is one of the fastest growing countries and Mumbai is situated as its financial and commercial capital. Yet more than half the population are currently residing in slums. Proponents argue that the gentrification developments are in the interests’ of the low-income residents, however, it is far from the truth as fundamental socio-cultural and economic realities are largely ignored through the superimposing of Western ideals.


Ghertner, D.A. (2014). India’s urban revolution: Geographies of displacement beyond gentrification. Environment and Planning A, 46(7), pp. 1554–1571. doi:  10.1068/a46288.

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