Nowadays, websites are brand’s business cards. Designing and keeping a website up to date is fundamental for a company’s success.
Sephora’s website makeover in 2012 is an example of how the redesign process should be conducted.
Back in 2012 Sephora developed its new website to respond to the needs of its more digitized and social audience. The objective of the company was to make online shopping experience more pleasant for its global customers.
1) Customized advanced search
Sephora introduced an advanced and more efficient search engine where each of its 15000 products is tagged with 25 search attributes such as price, colour, age, ingredients. The tags don’t just make the the shopping experience personal and customizable but also quicker and focused.
2) Commerce is now characterized by stock availability for each of its products; you can check if the Sephora near you has the product you are looking for. You can also find your personal purchase history on the website so that you can use that information to make new purchases and find old products you loved.
3) Social networks integration
Sephora’s website was integrated with social networks with a special focus on Pinterest and Instagram. You will now be able to “pin” each item available on the online store and share it on Pinterest; and have a look at Sephora’s employees favourite products and their personal reviews. With instagram you get a “behind the scenes” look at how Sephora’s staff works and at the major trends of the moment.
4) New Content connected to Social media
The home page offers some new functions:
- Tutorial videos
- Products’ reviews
- Interaction with Experts
- The latest Beauty Trends
- BEAUTY TALK forum (Community enhancement)
Beauty talks is a forum where users can communicate, share their thoughts, receive advice and read reviews from other Sephora’s customers.
Let’s not forget Sephora’s Youtube Channel with over 10 million views!
The increase usage of mobile phones and ipads made Sephora develop an App where most of functions are present.
How did the company advertise its new website?
“15 days of beauty thrills”campaign: shoppers where given each day a coupon for a free product and had the chance to win amazing prizes.
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According to statistics, around 4.62 billion people worldwide are social media users. Although the initial purpose of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter was to provide communication, it’s no longer their main goal. IT Brain marketers emphasize the three main reasons users spend time on social networks: exploring news and trends, finding things to do, and products to purchase.