While reading through the Economist, I found an interesting blogpost that raved about  an app called “Goodguide” designed for comsumer that analyzed company’s values embedded in the product. It was invented by Dara O’Rourke, professsor of environmental and labor policy at University of California, Berkeley when he stumbled a lotion product that he wondered was […]

After reading my classmate Jimena’s blog about Puma as sustainable business, it was unexpected for me to hear that from Puma. Then I thought to myself, why it shocking to hear that from a highly recognized brand? It was because of all the fake, copied items that I’ve seen in multiple places and occasions which […]

RE: Beating a Dead Horse

Posted by: | November 22, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I found Conrad’s Blog Posting about the issue of Canadian government imposing a 75% packaging law very interesting in terms of the idea of company’s right in having branding it’s products. I couldn’t agree more with how despite the company’s harmful products to Canadian consumer’s they should be treated with equality as other product companies […]

When you order a hot drink at a normal coffee shop during the cold winter seasons in Vancouver, your cup of coffee is most likely to come with a brown piece of cardboard wrapped around your cup. This ” “Java Jackets” or “Cup Sleeves” was invented by a man named Jay Sorenson in 1991. He […]

Steve Jobs vision and accomplishments with Apple has set to be the “golden” standard for many business hopefuls. Apple has revolutionized the world market by bringing high-end, efficient technology that has improved the lives of every individual to be convenient. However, before the rise of Apple, the main figure head in the business world was […]

Snooki Inc.

Posted by: | November 3, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Jersey shore star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi has brought a new found “Jshore” phenomenon in the media with her ditsy personality and “non-filtered” manners on TV. Well most of us think of her as a reality tv star, we don’t even consider the fact that Snooki is in fact a “business woman.” With no previous business […]

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