Steve Jobs vision and accomplishments with Apple has set to be the “golden” standard for many business hopefuls. Apple has revolutionized the world market by bringing high-end, efficient technology that has improved the lives of every individual to be convenient. However, before the rise of Apple, the main figure head in the business world was Bill Gates. He was the founder of Microsoft, resigned at 2006 and with his Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation that helps with the world-wide, humanistic issues, he has gained tremendous respect not only as a business man but as a humanist/activist in the world.

Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs is no doubt a revolutionary figure in the business world. However, I think the difference between the two is that Bill Gates has taken initiative in inproving the world, not just through innovative technology but through investing and spending his monetary values towards a cause. It states in the article that Melinda and Bill Gates foundation has donated over 15 billion dollars towards a worldly cause. That is more than what a sucessful, well known company would be worth.

Steve Jobs have perfected the art of delivering customer-happy products. Apple has ushered the personal computing idea to the customers and his world in undoubtedly a work of genius. I think it is unfortunate that he weren’t able to be around as Bill Gates to give back to the community. He was busy in building his empire Apple to be the top-notched technology company in the world, and never got to experience that position at the top where he could focus more on the worldly causes to gain his reputation not only as a business leader but as an human being with strong ethics and morals.

I think it’s really crucial for a leader, and a large figure-head to genuinely show interest in worldly causes, and really give back to the community. It shows ethics, and morals of the business community, and at the end the day, we all gain and win when everyone is happy.


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