While reading through the Economist, I found an interesting blogpost that raved about  an app called “Goodguide” designed for comsumer that analyzed company’s values embedded in the product. It was invented by Dara O’Rourke, professsor of environmental and labor policy at University of California, Berkeley when he stumbled a lotion product that he wondered was safe to use. He invented Goodguide 8 years after which allowed the consumers to scan the bar code of an item, and be presented with the information if the firms have a good human rights record. If not, they were suggested other similar products with similar pricing but with better ethical company.

I think this app is brilliant in a way that it has a lot of potential to gain attraction from huge field of consumers. It can range from mothers concerned about her children’s unhealthy diet, to consumers who feel strongly about human rights and ethical producing by the companies. Goodguide is opening up another concept to customers. That they are deserving to know more about the product when making a purchase decision and to even stop a company with bad production methods before they get popular . There are so many marketing fads that trick us in buying products in the media, and though it is successful branding and advertising tactics, I think they should be avoided for mass societal consumption through creations of apps such as Goodguide.




For the article: http://www.economist.com/node/21538763


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