Author Archives: Yiqing Zhou

GRSJ 300 Cultural Jam

Mariner is a brand of luxury watch and I identified three problems in this advertisement. The first problem is revealed by how the man and the woman are dressed. The man wears a blue suit and a Mariner watch. The woman wears a a silver fancy night gown with matching earings. Judging by the differences on appearances, women may be assumed to be “pretty” and men may be assumed to be “successful”, which are consistent with gender stereotypes many people have in mind. The second problem is revealed by the portrayed interaction between the man and the woman. The man sits on a brown sofa, he wears a Mariner watch on the left hand, he uses the left hand to hold the woman’s neck, and he uses the right hand to pour wine from a glass to the woman’s mouth. The woman is positioned lower than the sitting man and her head is positioned in between the man’s two legs. Although the woman’s two hands are assumed to be free, the woman are not using her two hands to refuse the man’s forced drinking action. Therefore, the advertisement implies that men who wear a Mariner watch can be in control of women and force women to do anything and the women would be obedient as well because women are inferior to men. The third problem is about the additional implications because the advertisement could also get the audience into thinking what happens after the man forced woman to drink wine. Provided that wine can make people unconscious, the advertisement could imply that women may be forced into drinking wine and have sex with men if the men wear the Mariner watch. Therefore, I think the advertisement mainly target men as the buyers of the Mariner watch as these men may have internal desires to control and force women. The advertisement may make men believe that, once they wear the Mariner watch, they will be superior to women and women will obey them. Basically, the problem I will be addressing with my jamming is gender inequality.

I highlight the injurious social message of the advertisement through the following two ways. First, I cropped the advertisement to direct audience’s attention to the man’s left hand which holds the women’s neck in between his legs. Moreover, I cropped the advertisement to lead the audience into thinking that the woman may be naked, which intensifies the advertisement’s sexual implications. Second, I added a slogan which says “wear Mariner, be the man in charge”. I believe the slogan makes the implied message to the potential male buyers overt and may convince these male potential buyers more into buying the Mariner watch. The slogan makes it sound like that wearing a Mariner watch empowers men to make them superior and powerful. In general, I think the jammed version of the advertisement makes the advertisement to be less like a loving couple and more like an owner (i.e. the man) and a salve (i.e. the woman). However, men and women are equal human beings and they should never be unequal. It is not the case than men can control or force women regardless of their physical strengths and it should not be the other way around either. Advertisements should avoid conveying gender inequality messages or support any type of gender stereotypes to influence the society into thinking that women are expected to be obedient to men or women should always please men in any way. Otherwise, people who plan to give birth to children will always prefer baby boys to baby girls.