

Elections are right around the corner! If you are interested in any of the 6 executive positions listed below be sure to have your nomination in by Nov 23 midnight! There will be a meeting on Nov 26 at noon in the Graduate Nursing Student Lounge for nominees to have the witness portion of the form signed.

6 executive vacancies: Chair, co-Chair, Finance Officer, Events Officer, Communications Officer, and Administrative Officer (see position descriptions attached). The sustainability of the GSNA depends on having willing and committed Officers who are able to work with the Executive for a one-year term: January to December 2014. 

GSNA Meeting


Today is the last day to vote for the referendum. Please do so if you have not.


The next GSNA meeting will be tomorrow, Oct 15 from 12:00-1:00 in the grad lounge. We will be going over the referendum results, ratifying the constitution, symposium plans, and much much more. Hope to see you there!

Vote Vote Vote!!!


The GSNA Referendum is now open for voting until Oct 14th.

The GSNA is holding this referendum to approve a tuition fee increase of $25/yr to support GSNA activities, such as the graduate nursing research symposium, pub clubs, town halls, etc.

Please vote!


Time to Vote!!!! GSNA referendum is right around the corner!


Our upcoming GSNA referendum is coming up very soon: October 7th-14th!

While the GSNA strives to improve your graduate experience by providing peer support, networking, and opportunities to advance your skills, it is difficult to achieve this without financial support.

That is why the GSNA is holding a referendum asking you to vote on whether you approve a tuition fee increase, starting next term, of $25.00/year to support GSNA activities.

If approved by a majority vote, the money would be used to fund GSNA activities, such as the graduate nursing research symposium, pub clubs, town halls, and to purchase GSNA emblazoned materials to hand out at our events (i.e. pencils, flyers).

The polls will be open October 7th at noon until October 14th at midnight. Voting is very simple. All you have to do is sign in to the student service centre (https://ssc.adm.ubc.ca/sscportal/servlets/SRVSSCFramework

), look under the grades and records tab for WEBVOTE, and vote on the GSNA referendum.

Please vote (even if you do not agree!) and spread the word. If you have any questions please email kristi.panchuk@alumni.ubc.ca orsarah.liva@alumni.ubc.ca,

Please keep alert for upcoming emails re: the GSNA referendum.

Thanks! The GSNA team


This year the School of Nursing is launching the Consortium for Historical Inquiry in Nursing and Health Care. The Consortium serves as a resource for students interested in the history of nursing and historical methodologies and acts as a liaison between the School and the wider history-minded community. You can find out more about the Consortium on their blog at: https://blogs.ubc.ca/nursinghistory/

The Consortium’s first event will be a symposium on November 21, 2013 and features presentations from Dr. Geertje Boschma, Faculty Lead of the Consortium; Dr. Sonya Grympa, Professor and Dean of Trinity Western University School of Nursing; and Dr. Lauring Meijer Drees, Co-Chair of the First Nations Studies Department at Vancouver Island University. Their topics range from the need for Historical Nursing Knowledge, to Japanese internment in China, to Stories from Canada’s Indian Hospitals.
The Consortium additionally invites students to submit abstracts for a poster competition. Three winners will be selected to have their posters printed by the Consortium for presentation at the symposium on November 21. Posters should focus on ongoing or completed research on nursing or health history. Submissions are due November 1, 2013. Learn more about the Symposium and poster guidelines at: http://www.nursing.ubc.ca/Research/documents/Consortium.pdf

Finally, the Consortium is also hosting a student reading group. We will meet monthly (beginning October 17) to read and discuss current nursing history literature and historical inquiry in general. In preparation for the November 21Symposium, the October and November reading sessions will focus on Dr. Grympa’s book: China Interrupted – Japanese Internment and the Reshaping of a Canadian Missionary Community and Dr. Meijer Drees’ book: Healing Histories: Stories from Canada’s Indian Hospitals.
To join the Reading Group or simply to be on the contact list for further announcements from the Consortium, please email them at: nursinghistory@ubc.ca

The Killam Awards for Excellence in Mentoring are based on sustained mentorship of numerous graduate students over many years. The awards recognize one senior and one mid-career faculty members’ outstanding ability to create effective working relationships and constructive interactions that offer appropriate guidance, feedback, and support, and involve encouragement, openness, trust, and mutual respect. The faculty member should also possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and be able to stimulate graduate students’ thinking and actions.


Upcoming meeting


Just a reminder of the first meeting coming up Sept 17 at noon in the grad lab (3rd floor UBC Hospital). Bring your lunch!

The agenda is full! Come prepared to discuss and be part of changes made to the GSNA, budget, and our place in space (or maybe UBC).

With a number of exciting changes and things going on there is opportunity to take part in a committee or two. In addition, there are 2 vacant spots on the GSNA exec that need filling. We need a co-chair and an events coordinator!

The email that will be circulated will have all the details. Hope to see you there.

GSNA Meeting!


Hello and Welcome!

Summer is winding down and with that, comes more rainy days, papers, funding deadlines, and perhaps some snow! So, why not swing by the GSNA meeting on the 17th.

Here are the details:

Tuesday September 17th at noon in the Graduate Student Lounge.

There are lots of opportunities to get involved, get connected, and meet other students. 🙂

Hope you can make it 🙂