Dialog Card

In this demonstration, we will walk through the creation of a Dialog Card content type. This is how it will appear:

Step 1: Title, Heading, Task Description

Title (consider a naming convention, this will only be used for searching and copyright): TLEF – Dialog Card

Metadata: Consider the copyright of your content type and license. Consider the changelog and comments area as a way to track changes

Heading: Learn Spanish berry names

Task Description: Berry names are presented in Spanish. You can turn the cards to see the correct English translations.

Step 2: Add Dialog

Text*: ArĂ¡ndanos azules

Answer*: Blueberries

Image: Right-click, save as

Edit Copyright: Title – Blueberries; Author: Rosa-Maria Rinkl; Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gepfl%C3%BCckte_Wald-Heidelbeeren.JPG; Licencese: CC-SA 4.0

Alternative Text: Blueberries

Audio File: Click on the 3 Ellipses next to the file and download the audio clip.

Consider: Tip text, Behavioural Settings, Text Overrides

Step 3: Add Dialog

Text*: Frambuesas

Answer*: Raspberries

Image: Right-click, save as

Edit Copyright: Title: Raspberries; Author: www.bluewaikiki.com; Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Summer_raspberries,_2008.jpg; Licencese: CC-SA 4.0

Alternative Text: Red Berries

Audio File: Click on the 3 Ellipses next to the file and download the audio clip.

Consider: Tip text, Behavioural Settings, Text Overrides

Step 4: Add more Dialog Cards

Step 5: Set Display Options

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