Re”Solid New iPhones Fail to Excite”: is Apple growing stale lately?

With the latest iPhone 5s & 5c, even some of the most harden fan boys are forced to concede that their beloved brand is really letting innovation slip. However, are they still passionate about Apple? Absolutely yes! And herein lies the beauty. While reading fellow Saudrite Jerome’s post: “Solid New Iphones Fail to Excite,” I started thinking about flip side of the coin.

What if the new iPhones were never intended to “excite”, i.e. to snatch customers away from competitors, or to reach out to new customer segments? My analysis show that Tim Cook’s vision subtly differs from Steve Jobs’. Cook is all about maximizing returns using available resources (his background being operations after all) – in this case, iPhone’s existing enthusiasts. He wasn’t concerned about creating radical new features that would persuade a Galaxy user that iPhone is superior. On the contrary, his aim was to achieve the greatest product satisfaction possible (e.g. by launching a more affordable line) for Apple’s established target market.

The new iPhones’ record breaking 9 million first week sales in September clearly affirms Cook’s perspective. Apple’s success comes from its strong grasp of consumer behavior. The key is not to forcefully compete for new customers, but rather to see the Purchase Funnel through to a full loop.

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