Battling the road: tips for commuters

by heathercrawford ~ September 21st, 2010. Filed under: Everyday.

As a commuting student, planning your time accordingly is very important!!!!  Whether driving or taking the bus, every second not on campus or not having a book open can lead to build up of work and STRESS!  Even after the first two weeks of school, I have already put together a few tips for those, like me, who are taking the trek out to UBC.

Tip 1:  If bussing, always try to get a seat

Being able to sit down helps, either by being able to catch a few Zzzs, quickly look over your notes, or catch up on your readings. (Just watch out for the bumps!)

Tip 2:  Make sure to have some good beats

Listening to music, either on your way to school or on your way home, is a great way to start or unwind at the end of your day. (Not to mention it helps to cut out the screeching noise of the bus brakes)

Tip 3:  Try to find some car pool buddies

Being able to share the ride out with someone is good always nice for some socializing, but always helps to cut costs both for gas and for parking.

Tip 4:  Make every second you spend on campus count

If you have long breaks, make sure to take use of the time you’re not spending in the classroom.  Try to find some people who have the same breaks as you so you can go and find a quiet place to study together.  Better yet, try to find someone who lives on residence so if you have to pull a late night you have somewhere to crash.

Tip 5:  Parking is expensive but there are other options

There is a way to avoid the expensive $14 daily parking fees.  Located near totem, a cheaper option is available for  $6 a day, but make sure to get there early as by 9am the lot is almost full.  If you are lucky enough to arrive as the bird’s start to chirp then you many be able to get a “free” spot.   There are free parking spaces that line the road on the outer west side of campus, however from my own experience you’ll have to be there earlier then 7am.  Another free option is to park your car off campus and catch one of the many buses heading into campus, but be careful to not get caught as there are many permit areas surrounding campus.

Tip 6:  Commuting time is break time

After a long hard day at school, many of us commuters just want to get home and relax.  However, the sooner you start studying at home the less stress and the more productive you’ll be.  If you really need a break when you get home make sure to set a time limit.  Instead of an hour, give yourself 20 minutes to get some food and take some time to lie down.

Remember study hard and the less stress you’ll have.

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