Marketing Your Bushel of Apples

by heathercrawford ~ October 21st, 2010. Filed under: Comm 101.

Over the past few years the economy has faced downturn due to corporation collapses and environmental disasters.  Marketers have been faced with the challenge of keeping consumers purchasing goods with rises in economic uncertainty, many of which can be categorized into 10 top trends for 2010.  Apple is a great example of a company who continues to be strong in economic recession by utilizing these 10 trends.  Apple continues to make an ongoing effort of honesty and open their marketing communications to the public with customer feedback into order to generate a positive feedback image.   Catering to education systems, Apple has also helped by creating a campaign where teachers and university students can purchase an Apple computer and get a rebate towards an iPod or iTouch product.  The niche that Apple has defined for itself, as a trendy, user-friendly, and reliable computer and music player company is incredibly important.  Constantly their social media reflects these three advantages, as well as their huge involvement with building and keeping in touch with a loyal band of brand loyalists who help to market through word-of-mouth, brand advocacy and brand guardianship.  It is clear from the presence of Mac users in the Comm 101 classes at Sauder that the value and reliability the brand communicates has influenced many to choose Apple, even with its higher price range.

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Top 10 Trends of 2010:

1.) Transparency and trust are paramount

2.) Less interruption, more enhancement and value-add

3.) Speaking of value . . .

4.) Show it, don’t tell it

5.) Social media is not going away, and engagement is critical

6.) Peace-of-mind messages prevail

7.) Relationships rule

8.) Online video and mobile marketing are hot

9.) Focus, focus, focus!

10.) Integrated marketing trumps stand-alone tactics

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