Moodling and Meandering

by HJDeW ~ June 5th, 2011. Filed under: e-toolkit learning, Exploration, Reflection.

moodle image My course work has taken me deeper into Moodle and my understanding of this free, open source LMS. I love the word Moodle. There is fun and freedom implied in the word. Playing with the word leads anywhere. (moodles, moodler, moodling, can you moodle? I’m moodling, How’s moodles today?) Not to mention the spinoffs possible with rhyming and word families. The Moodle logo even hints at the fun, playful nature of learning, with the jaunty angle of the graduation cap.

So deeper into playing with Moodle, learning about Moodle and writing about Moodle I go. Like Alice down the rabbit hole…. and I ended up everywhere and nowhere I expected. Some interesting items discovered as I travelled the meandering, moodling path:

But my Cheshire Cat along the path was this gem of a find on describing Moodle by using LEGO. The definition of the word ‘moodle’ as a noun and a verb caught my attention. Using LEGO to explain what Moodle is all about …. how much more fun and playful can it get?!

1 Response to Moodling and Meandering

  1.   John Egan

    Great resources!!!!

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