Can You Read This?

by HJDeW ~ July 4th, 2011. Filed under: e-toolkit learning, Exploration.

I started my investigations into the accessibility portion of the e-toolkit early in June. It was of particular interest while I was supporting some students to complete their provincial assessments. Kurzweil was the tool they were using to access the material. They had received some specific training to provide them with skills to use this particular technology tool.  They will continue to use this tool in the coming years.

When I first began the investigation, I was overwhelmed with the depth and wealth of specifications developed by the W3C in their Web Accessibility Initiative.  The World Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are extensive and challenging in their details. As I read through the scenarios provided, I reflected on personal connections with others in my life who face similar challenges as those presented.

A personal favourite web site reader is Readability (found at (Download it! Seriously!)  This particular support sits on my bookmark bar and comes into use when trying to read a website with many embeded ads or graphics. Sites can quickly be converted into a more readable form by clicking on the Readability bookmark. My interest in website readability led me to jump into the Readability guideline 3.1 ( I found some interesting criteria to ensure that sites are not only readable but also understandable.

After looking through the extensive listing [] on accessibility makes me wonder how to manage all of those options. How do we ensure a website or online course offering meets all these guidelines? Is that possible? How can I find my very own accessibility quality control specialist? It may be daunting, but it is critical that we continue to work toward full accessibility for all. What is necessary for some is good for all!

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