

Archive for January, 2011

sidepost: more on Retailer presence on Facebook

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

About an article I read regarding how Retailers should approach making and maintaining their online social presence: 8 Best Practices for Retailers on Facebook Pages on Overall, I agree with their points. Traditional methods such as television commercials and magazine/newspaper advertisements often cost an inordinate amount. Facebook, on the other hand, is bound to […]

Marketing on Facebook

Monday, January 24th, 2011

In the past few months, I’ve noticed that more and more retailers are utilizing the page option on Facebook as part of their marketing. As an avid consumer, I have signed up for several email updates from companies such as Chapters and Bench as well as liked their pages on Facebook. Given that many people […]

sidepost: the popularity of Twilight

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Source: On the marketing aspect of Twilight (not just the book – which except for the first book, I think, are all hardcovers – which are more expensive and generally thicker). In looking at why Twilight was so popular, mostly with teens:

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