Commercials: SuperBowl’s beliebing and Old Spice’s I’m on a horse.


On the 27th, my friend Benson wrote on his marketing blog about Super Bowl ads. His post was titled, “Superbowl ads: are they worth it?” Altogether, with Bieber and Osbourne, the commercial is sure to cost a lot. Will that be offset by benefits? Since Best Buy is going with it, it appears they’ve concluded it will.
This commercial will associate Best Buy with the Super Bowl as well as with Bieber and Osbourne and in turn, potentially the values associated with both. For example, Bieber’s youth, popularity, passion. If the commercial becomes well-received, it may enhance Best Buy’s brand.

Justin Bieber and the Best Buy SuperBowl Commercial

Justin Bieber and the Best Buy SuperBowl Commercial
When buying products, an interesting or memorable commercial (and posters, fliers, online postings) could push Best Buy into a Consumer’s retrieval set of possible choices. And if that memory was a positive one, push Best Buy into the evoked set and eventually be purchased. Once the commercial comes out, many Beliebers will likely watch it repeatedly just to see him and others might just to see what the fuss is about.
Another memorable series as Benson mentioned was the Old Spices. So far, I haven’t met anyone who actually bought Old Spice because of it. The commercial’s fun and seems slightly random (though in fact it links Old Spice to many values through the objects and scenery). Jason also wrote about it, mentioning that he hadn’t bought it despite sharing the commercial. In response to his question, I would say he’s not an advocate since he’s not actually promoting the product or brand (not quite bad word of mouth either). Most memorable for me personally was the end of one with “I’m on a horse.” The first thing that popped into mind was the idea of prince charming (I wouldn’t be surprised if that was what they aimed for anyways, the White Prince Charming).