sparklies, segmenting for strongly bonded carbon atoms


I was reading Vivian Leung’s blog post “What a girl wants? What a girl needs?” earlier about diamonds and how big brand names like Tiffany & Co. influence the attitudes of consumers. I agree with Vivian, indeed, the woman in the video appears to have it all with her euphoric smile, a seemingly well-dressed man in the peripheral, a blue (a colour which is sometimes associated with royalty or luxury) ring box… the commercial appeals to many classic female desires and needs.
Diamonds, as everyone knows, are very pricey, but even then, they have various price range and sizes that can appeal to different segments. Focusing on diamond rings, here is a quick analysis of possible segment bases and variables:
Demographics: Age, marital status, and income are likely two key variables given that engagement and marriage rings have come to be seen mostly as a necessity in a girl’s life, and marriage in turn is highly associated with age. These days, though, it seems there is a little more variance in the age at which people get married. There is probably a common time in life where many people tend to get married again after a divorce as well. Income can be categorized into different segments for say those who might only be able to buy a simple band, or those who can afford to buy an intricate ring inset with a high clarity and beautifully cut diamond designed by someone famous.
Psychological: The way the diamond is perceived, for example, to add worth to the customer, or degree at which the customer perceives him or herself to need to have a diamond ring (or from a male perspective, likely to give one more than wear one himself), the attitudes that Vivian describes in her blog post, how diamonds can “define a woman’s social status, importance, and self-confidence.”
By segmenting their market using these bases and variables, companies can connect their research and analysis with ideas, leading to hopefully successful marketing.
Here’s an older commercial by DeBeers. “A Diamond is Forever”

And more recently, tying the strength of love with their “A Diamond is Forever” slogan as well as the design of the jewelry – the Everlon Collection which, unless burned in a fire, will last ever long! 🙂 Thus linking a diamond, one of the hardest materials in the world, with love and romance, intangible and seemingly soft and brilliant but also strong.