

Archive for the '10 min posts' Category

sparklies, segmenting for strongly bonded carbon atoms

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Source: I was reading Vivian Leung’s blog post “What a girl wants? What a girl needs?” earlier about diamonds and how big brand names like Tiffany & Co. influence the attitudes of consumers. I agree with Vivian, indeed, the woman in the video appears to have it all with her euphoric smile, a seemingly […]

Commercials: SuperBowl’s beliebing and Old Spice’s I’m on a horse.

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Source: On the 27th, my friend Benson wrote on his marketing blog about Super Bowl ads. His post was titled, “Superbowl ads: are they worth it?” Altogether, with Bieber and Osbourne, the commercial is sure to cost a lot. Will that be offset by benefits? Since Best Buy is going with it, it appears […]

Marketing on Facebook

Monday, January 24th, 2011

In the past few months, I’ve noticed that more and more retailers are utilizing the page option on Facebook as part of their marketing. As an avid consumer, I have signed up for several email updates from companies such as Chapters and Bench as well as liked their pages on Facebook. Given that many people […]

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