Business Ethics

Business ethics are moral codes that corporations and the individuals within the company should act upon. Operating on the basis of ethics aids corporations in establishing what is right and wrong. In the course of history, there are many examples that demonstrate different powerful companies that are convicted of unethical malpractices; such as Nike’s production of soccer balls through child labor. Business ethics are often violated due to corporations incentive to maximise their profit, this often misguides them into making unethical decisions harming the employees of the firm and sometimes external parties. Another infamous corporation’s unethical act would be the Coca-Cola company in India, they would dump their chemical waste into the rivers of India causing the people who live near the river to catch various different diseases.

It is essential that corporations make ethical decisions as well as maintaining a profitable business. Not only is it beneficial to the environment in which the company operates on, it also has many positive impacts to the firm. Operating on an ethical basis will attract more customers to purchase the firm’s product, which will help increase revenue and profits for the firm. The customers will also be willing to pay higher prices for your products knowing that the company operates on ethical morals. The employees of the firm will also be willing to stay with the firm, this reduces the chances of strikes from the employees and it will raise the productivity of the workers. The labor force will also be interested in joining the company because they will be attracted by the positive attributes of the company. Investors will also be more willing to provide capital to companies who act on a ethical level.