The Immorality Lab welcomes scholars from around the world to visit our lab, located in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia, to exchange ideas, collaborate on new or existing studies, or simply enjoy the companionship of intellectually curious and energetic researchers. One of the major initiatives of the Immorality Lab is the Ph.D. Student Research Incubator (SRI). The SRI Program is designed to facilitate short visits to UBC by advanced Ph.D. students from other universities who would like the opportunity to work with the members of our group.
Former SRI Ph.D. Students
- Dr. Jennifer Carson Marr (University of Maryland) Email:
- Dr, Samir Nurmohamed ( University of Pennsylvania) Email:
- Dr. Catherine Shea (Carnegie-Mellon University) Email:
- Dr. Isaac H. Smith (Brigham Young University) Email:
- Fan Chen (University of Illinois) E-mail:
Please send all questions concerning the SRI to