Can you influence younger consumers using social media? Definitely YES!

According to the study Connected Consumers Are Not Created Equal more than half of the sample size spend most of their time online. According to figure 1, social media accounts for the maximum activities in these 11 countries. Figure 2 identifies that the younger population aged between 16 to 35 years are influenced to make decisions based on social media. “The impact of social media grows smaller as age rises” says Cynthia Boris, marketing pilgrim writer.

Figure 1
Blog Picture 1
Picture taken from click here 

Figure 2

Blog Picture 2
Picture taken from click here 

In my opinion, when companies have a younger client group, the focus should be to create a strong online presence. Some questions that companies need to consider:

  • Does the product have strong advertisement that influences the viewers to share or like it?
  • What is the feedback (positive or negative) from the users of the product?
  • How is the company responding to the customer feedback?

Based on the number above, we can’t stress less how important it is to create a positive online environment for the product. As Paul, Comm 464 professor, mentioned that it is essential to be able to create online loyalty for a product. Companies should look for ways to satisfy customers and provide excellent service that makes customers be a spokesperson for the person. If people are talking “good” and “positive” about a product on social media, the company will be able to create a need by tapping a wider market and influence people who base their decisions on social network (figure 2).

My takeaway from this article is that creating a positive and likeable image is vital on social network. If a company wants to be liked, have regular customers and have loyal spokes person online, ensure strong social media presence.


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