Community invitation

Keith Chiefmoon’s invitation

Since 2015 UBC has sent students to the Kainai reserve for a course related to the invitation of Keith Chiefmoon, a Blackfoot elder,  for students to witness a Sun Dance. His invitation is reproduced below. Keith has extend the same invitation for the students in this sustainability focused residency.

“Oki, My name is Keith Chiefmoon, I am an elder of the Blackfoot confederacy and founder of the Natosi Okhan sundance society. For over 40 years, I have had a re-current sacred vision where people of the four directions would come together as one hear to heal the soul wounds of war, greed and colonization in a sacred way.

 In this Sun Dance ceremony, people would remember how to be generous, compassionate and humble again, in order to create a different fate for the planet and all its children. If this vision speaks to your heart, you are invited to join us.

 Members of our community have created a pedagogy to prepare you to observe our sacred ceremonies at the Kainai reserve in Alberta in the summer 2015. If you are ready to be taught, we welcome you with open arms.” (Keith Chiefmoon July 2014)