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Sep 26 / Jenny

Message From Jin about MYP Day & Our lovely pictures!

Hi all IPP Peers!

Thank you all for coming out to Meet Your Peer Day on the beautiful sunny day! I hope all of you had the chance to get to know your Group and some of great resources on Campus such as the Wellness Centre and International Peer Advisors (IPAs). Just as a reminder, if you want to get more information on your wellbeing and ANYTHING related to your health, you can visit the Wellness Centre in the Student Union Building. If you need help with Study Visas, Health insurance or Work Permits, find the IPA’s in I.House and Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Add them on Facebook (UBC IPA)! Hope to see you soon at your Group Event or at one of our next upcoming events: Thrive Week Breakfast with Wellness (Oct. 20) and Halloween Party (Oct.28)!

Also check out the pictures on Meet Your Peer Day and many thanks to Nicole, our lovely group leader, for taking so many lovely pictures!

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  1. Jun / Sep 26 2011

    Hello, I just have a few quick questions, I don’t know if I can post them here or not, but…I recently joined the International Peer Program (probably later than everyone else) and I haven’t received any information regarding the program…How does it work? Do I just find out any upcoming events on this blog? Or do I get assigned to a group or something? Thanks.


    • vince / Sep 26 2011

      Hi Jun,

      Vince, Student Manager here. If you have already signed up and indicated that you would like to be matched with a Senior Peer (and therefore be sorted into a group), then you should expect an e-mail from your Senior Peer. If you did not indicate that you want a Senior Peer, you do not have a group but can still attend events by keeping an eye on the events calendar or the IPP blog. If you need more information about anything IPP-related, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to

  2. Lin / Sep 29 2011

    I love the song that Jin used for the Slide Show. At the beginning with you… ALL ! *thumbs up*

    • xuziyan / Sep 29 2011

      Glad that you love it!I was unsure whether it’s good or not==
      p.s it’s actually called “at the beginning” =p

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