Applications open for UBC Residence Life positions
Interested in becoming part of the vibrant UBC Rez Life community? The 2012/13 Residence Life Staff recruitment campaign has begun, and they are looking for a number of energetic, outgoing and caring students to be part of their team!
There are two positions available for students. The Residence Advisor position is open to any full time UBC student. The Residence Coordinator position is open to senior or grad students taking one to two classes. You can find information about the positions on their website
There will also be a couple of Information Sessions for potential candidates. These events include:
- Application Writing on January 6 in Totem Park Reading Room from 5 – 6pm
- Creating Your Resume on January 10 in Place Vanier Upper Atrium from 5 – 6pm
- Residence Coordinator Information Session on January 17 in Place Vanier Upper Atrium from 6 – 7pm
All students interested in the positions are invited to attend these events, whether or not they currently live in residence.
Deadlines are sooner than you expect, and these positions are in high demand. So start polishing that resume and cover letter NOW to get a good chance of becoming part of this amazing team!