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Nov 26 / skys

IPP goes Trek-ing!

Super exciting news for IPP members! IPP is going to have our own Learning Exchange Trek Program group!

What is the Learning Exchange Trek Program? It is where you can:

-Share your talents, interests and skills while learning from diverse people in Vancouver’s inner-city schools and non-profit organizations.

-Stretch your idea of who you are and where you are in the world

-Explore career options

-Meet other UBC students

-Develop self-awareness and leadership skills

-Get involved! Use your skills to assist in community building in the Downtown Eastside and other inner city settings.

IPP has a choice from 4 programs that are being offered to us in second semester.

Which project would you be interested in doing? Vote here!

After voting, the project with the most votes will be open to IPP members and registration will start. There is a short orientation for the project in January, and once you sign up, you will be going to the project with other IPP members once a week for semester 2! Registration details will be available after the poll is closed.

Remember to tell your friends to vote too!

If you have any questions, please contact Sonia at


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