I’m sorry mother nature!

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yearpicI am so sorry! Really, I am! I knew that my CO2 consumption level would be higher than the average consumption level for my comm 101 course, however, I really did not think it would be this bad.

So where did this insanely high consumption level come from? Well first off, I fly a lot. Just this year I will have 4 round trips to Europe, multiple flights to and from the states, and a round trip down-under. Is there anyway around it? co2I hate to say no…well that is until teleportation is invented. The other major area of my consumption is the fact that I live in Surrey, but attend UBC. Could I take the bus? maybe… The closest bus stop from my house is a 20 minute drive, and then it is a 2 hour transit trip from the point I reach the bus stop. I guess I can blame that part of my CO2 consumption on Translink.

Calculate your own carbon footprint here.