Sophia Amoruso http://cdn.businessoffashion.com/uploads/media/header_image/0001/01/thumb_a20e47a2bb982336bf3fe63556733a41a797bc71_header_image_header.jpeg
Sophia Amoruso is the CEO of the widely popular online clothing retailer, Nasty Gal. After dropping out of community college in 2006, Amoruso created an eBay shop as a side project. She would go to thrift stores, purchase designer clothing for cheap and sell them online for a strong profit.
Eight years later, Nasty Gal has grown $100 million-plus online fashion retailer with more than 350 employees. Amoruso has done a fantastic job of establishing her company in this new era. As I spoke on in a previous blog, Nasty Gal attributes a lot of their success to their marketing strategy. With a target demographic of young women, they market themselves on social media- making this a very cheap and wise decision.
Amoruso also prides herself on the customer service deriving from Nasty Gal. It was easy for her to know what her customers wanted, as she is under the same demographic. I feel that is the only way a business can truly be successful. If you don’t care about your customers or don’t understand them, there is no way a company can thrive.
Sophia Amoruso is a prime example of an entrepreneur who built her company around something she was interested and understood. I believe that is how her company managed to become one of the most popular retailers for young woman’s fashion.
Works Cited
Amoruso, Sophia. “3 Rules Of Success That Made Nasty Gal A $100 Million Business.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 22 May 2014. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.
Barret, Victoria. “Nasty Gal’s Sophia Amoruso: Fashion’s New Phenom.”Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 28 June 2012. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.
Gittleson, Kim. “‘Shoplifting Saved My Life'” BBC News. N.p., 18 May 2014. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.