BC Hydro Project – Is it POSSIBLE?


BC Hydro is a provincial crown corporation that supply electricity to meet demands in British Columbia.

Their next project is HUGE.

The project is called BC Hydro’s Site C Hydroelectric Megaproject and it costs approximately $8 billion CAD (Vancouver Sun, 2014). This project has the potential to generate revenue for the company.

Positive effects of building this dam:

  •  Able to generate revenue for the corporation.
  • Able to produce enough electricity to power up to 450 000 homes in BC.

Negative effects of building this dam:

  • Destroy farmland.
  • Destroy wildlife habitat.

So, what is stopping BC Hydro from going forward with the project?

They are having issues with the First Nations People because of several reasons:

  1. Negatively affect fishing and hunting opportunities.
  2. First Nation practices and ceremonies will be affected.

According to a PEST analysis, this problem falls into the “political” factor.

BC Hydro is unable to carry on with the project because they are violating government policies, or more specifically, First Nation policies. This holds the business back.

I would suggest that BC Hydro look elsewhere to build their dam because the land that they are planning to flood is home to the ancestors of this province. A precise PEST analysis should be done to ensure a smooth and efficient project.





Re: Milkshake Marketing


Clay Christensen’s approach to marketing is very fascinating.

In his post, he talks about how people “hire” a product to accomplish a specific task or job for them. For example, we would hire a muffin to keep us full or a glass of beer to keep our thirst quenched.

The word “hire” is a great word to use in marketing, specifically in determining a consumer segment of a market. A great product is a product that is able to GET THE JOB DONE.

Clay gave an example of a restaurant that sells milkshakes. The restaurant wanted to increase sales; so they tried to switch up the flavours and so on but nothing happened. They then proceeded to observe and analyse when consumers normally purchase the milkshake and why. Surprisingly, the main job that these consumers want to accomplish is to fill their stomachs until 10am and to keep them entertained during the long train ride. The restaurant then increased their sales significantly by creating thicker milkshakes.

Business is all about creating a product or service that is able to satisfy consumer’s wants and needs which leads to PROFIT. Despite how simple this theory sounds, it is very difficult to determine what job/task that consumers want to accomplish. It requires research of past data, setting up focus groups, etc.

HOWEVER, if a company is able to determine what their product will be hired for, they are GOLDEN. This information can then be used in marketing, advertising and so on. It will be the company’s Unique Selling Proposition.

Link to the original blogpost: http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6496.html