For a full list visit Google Scholar
Refereed Publications
Lüdert, J. 2013, Latin American States and the International Labour Organization: Circumscribing Indigenous Peoples as Internal Outsiders, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Vol.8, No. 3
Lüdert, J. 2010, Habermas Revisited: Indigenous Lifeworld(s) Today, Indigenous Policy Journal, Vol. XXI, No. 3 Winter
Hitchcock, R., Sapignoli, M., Lüdert, J., Martindale, L., 2010. Botswana in Cæcilie Mikkelsen eds. The Indigenous World 2010 (IWGIA: Copenhagen)
Lüdert, J. 2010. Nature(s) Revisited: Identities and Indigenous Peoples, The Fourth World Journal, Vol. 9:1 Summer, pp. 1-26.
Lüdert, J. 2010. UsMob: Remapping Indigenous Futures in Cyberspace in Phillip Kalantzis-Cope & Karim Gherab Martin, eds. Properties of Technology: Mapping Emerging Digital Spaces. (Palgrave Macmillan: London)
Lüdert, J. 2007. Deliberating Justice–Indigenous People, the World Bank and the Principle of Free Prior Informed Consent (Grin: Munich
Non-refereed Publications
Lüdert, J. 2010. Contending Dialectics: Material and Ideational Dimensions of Sovereignty, (e-IR International Relations Blog, August 2010)
Lüdert, J. 2009. Coming of Age? The significance and Limits of transnational activist networks today, (e-CIVICUS Special Issue World Democracy Day)
Lüdert, J. 2008. Challenges in development in Ngamiland, Botswana – Case Study YWCA N.W. (Grin: Munich)
Lüdert, J. 2008. Ethics and Culture: Indigenous People and the Concept of Self-determination (Grin: Munich)
Le Roux, W., White, A. 2007. Voices of the San: Living in Southern Africa Today, (Kwela Books: Cape Town) (Photo Contribution)