Jasmeens Blog RMST 202

Week 4 – The Shrouded Woman

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‘The Shrouded Woman’ by María Luisa Bombal was an amazing read. I really enjoyed this text as I felt like I was so interested in her perspective. I found it so unique and capturing that she sees herself buried. Narrating from this view made this novel made it more impactful in a way as she looks back at her life. This perspective made the text so interesting almost like I was immersed in a show. I think this novel did a great job at capturing those emotions and feelings someone…read more


Week 2- “Combray” Swann’s Way by Proust

Posted by in RMST 202

Marcel Proust’s “Combrary” is focused on the memories and nostalgia of Marcel’s childhood. While reading this text I felt like I was lost at times in finding the connection behind his ideas. As he starts with describing his sleeping difficulties it’s almost like he goes in and out of these trances of sleeping and waking intertwined with disclosures of these memories. This back and forth of the past and present was unique although hard to follow at times. One thing I liked about this book was the emphasized importance of…read more


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