Blowing Down The Apple Tree

Apple currently owns 82% market share of tablets in the US. Its success stems from its simplistic and innovative design, and further benefited from creating the market in the first place. Companies like Blackberry, Samsung, and HP attempted to squeeze into the tablet market, but none of them succeeded.

Jeff Bezos introducing the Kindle Fire

This is where the soon to be released Kindle Fire from Amazon comes in. Its main marketing strategy is affordable price (less than half of Apple’s iPad price). It is also trying to leverage its vast online warehouse of more than 18 million e-books, songs, movies and television shows, as well as access to a selection of Android applications.Unfortunately, the low cost introduces some sacrifice; a camera is missing as well as a microphone and it requires Wi-Fi to access the Internet. Mr. Benzo, Amazon’s founder and CEO, said, “Some of the tablets that have come on the market, the reason they haven’t been successful is because they weren’t services.” Although the article makes it sound very promising for the Kindle Fire, I believe that Apple has too deep a root in the tablet marketplace for another company to blow down the Apple tree.



Sources:Slash Gear
New York Times

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