Trading With China Is Affecting the U.S In Negative Ways

Improvements on technology are allowing companies to trade goods with other partners more efficiently in terms of price and speed. It’s also creating a vast web of imports and exports around the globe, allowing companies to expand and increase their revenue. However, a major problem has been developing in the U.S for some time. According to a recent report from the Economic Policy Institute, nearly 2.8 million jobs have been lost in the past decade in the U.S, due to China’s cheap and plentiful manufacturing costs. Furthermore, due to an increase in unemployed, the U.S government has to spend more money on unemployment insurance and social service assistance to laid-off workers. Originally, the U.S government thought it would benefit itself if it traded with China, because it would provide cheap goods for American consumers. Unfortunately, this trading agreement became a mixed blessing; as China’s manufacturing surpassed America’s dramatically, America suffered. Cheaper prices for goods ultimately benefited the consumers with jobs, but the consumers without jobs did not have the means to purchase the goods in the first place. Instead of being capitalistic and only looking out for the wealthy, the U.S government should decrease the amount of goods imported from China in order to spread the wealth amongst consumers.

Source: New York Times

1 thought on “Trading With China Is Affecting the U.S In Negative Ways

  1. Major companies, especially clothing companies, have always shifted over the manufacturing of their products to places in the world offering cheap labour costs. From the company owner’s point of view, it’s very beneficial because profits are skyrocketing. However, executive staff never take into account how their decision will impact others, mainly job seekers. The result: millions of people without jobs to support themselves and their families. Absolutely outrageous!

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