Practicum- Pinetree Secondary

practicum 3


For 2 weeks in November 2014 I attended Pinetree Secondary for my short practicum. During these two weeks I taught a mini unit in Social Studies 10 on The Red River Rebellion. I also taught an English lesson on creative writing. In February 2015 I came back to Pinetree for my long practicum, a 10 week practicum where I was in charge of the classroom the entire time. I taught two blocks of Grade 10 Social Studies, one block of Social Studies 9, and a two week mini unit of English 9.
My extra-curricular activities during my practicum included, help coaching the Tennis Team, I was in charge of leading a PACK class, I lead a fire drill and a code red drill, as well as collaborating with a Technology teacher on a seminar hoping to get more females into Technology classes.

practicum 1  practicum 2

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