Entrepreneurship: Building Your Own Career





successThe above article discusses what it means to be an entrepreneur and the implications for our economy. It elaborates on two different types of entrepreneurs: “replicative” entrepreneurs are people who set up small businesses similar to other small businesses in the industry whereas “innovative” entrepreneurs are disruptive innovators who reinvent the industry. The article notes that the latter type of entrepreneurs are vital for the growth and health of an economy.

I recently had the privilege of listening to two successful entrepreneurs share their experiences and insights with our COMM 101 class. For the majority of my life, this was not a career that I envisioned myself pursuing. I believe that financial security is optimally achieved through a traditional corporate job at a well-established company. However, listening to the trials and tribulations of Zimt and Tagga opened my eyes to the viability of a career as an entrepreneur. The passion and enthusiasm that Amielle and Emma had towards their companies has inspired me to not rule out pursuing my own passions and inclinations in terms of building a career. With that being said, I still possess lofty professional aspirations and I do not think it is practical or wise to start a company for the sake of starting a company. If I were to one day pursue this path I would strive to be an “innovative” entrepreneur, attempting to balance my desire for professional success with the yearning to be in charge of my own career path. 7892_tagga_media_255255255Zimt1

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