SOLEfood, Using Social Entrepreneurship to Help the Downtown Eastside

SOLEfood Urban Farm is a Social Enterprise based in Vancouver founded by Michael Ableman. SOLEfood focuses on a new concept called urban farming. Urban farming is exactly what it sounds like, farming in the city. The firm rents unused and cheap, sometimes even free, areas for their farms and plant them in boxes. Once their crop is harvested, it is sold to local restaurants and at local farmers markets. This urban farmer can consider himself a social entrepreneur because he employs and trains 21 individuals from the Downtown Eastside who have had issues finding work otherwise


The message these social entrepreneurs are sending is truly exceptional they have turned a budding industry into an idea that can help the community. I find when I see such a qualified individual using his knowledge and experience to help others it provides hope for the world. Michael Ableman more specifically, provides hope for Vancouver and people struggling on the Downtown Eastside. Social Entrepreneurship is the glue that provides Michael Ableman with the opportunity to assist the people struggling to find jobs and resurrect their lives.


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