
The entrepreneurship Comm 101 class where we listened to guest lecturer Janice, the CEO of Energy Aware, present her company was my favorite Comm 101 class so far. Janice explained to us how she came up with her idea of an energy use monitor in a specialized fourth year business class and how she has turned it into a multi-million dollar business. The part of the lecture that sparked my interest the most was her next steps after she came up with the idea. I’ve always been very interested in having my own company and being my own boss but I have been clueless as where to start and what to expect. It comforted me to hear her say that she had no idea what she was doing at first either and then to see her successfully operating her business several years down the road. When she talked about taking risks when first out of university because you have nothing to lose, it really stuck with me. Thanks to those words of advice, I now plan to take risks especially when I first graduate in hopes of one day having my own successful company like Janice.


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