Controversy with Google

Google Plus’ plan to release user names and photos into the public in attempt to advertise at a more personal level, caused immediate controversy.  With a simple like or a follow, the user’s comments are broadcasted over online ads.  Many believe it is an invasion of privacy, and others think it is a clever innovation.  Users have the opportunity to opt out, but must physically change their settings in order to do so.

Clarisa Madilao concluded that “Google users will soon become product or brand endorsers.”  As Clarisa said, it is highly important for Google to keep user privacy a priority.  This technique is innovative, as people are more likely to invest in a good or service if a friend or family member recommends it.  A sense of trust is formed with the company.  The initiative generates feedback for the company, as well as offers useful, reliable information to consumers.  These “shared endorsements” are bound to get criticism no matter what Google chooses to do.  Depending on their strategy, this program could either thrive or collapse.



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