Back to the grind…

After the first week of school and you’re so exhausted all you really want to do is collapse

I only have four classes this semester but I’m exhausted beyond belief. I’ve already been assigned a small pile of homework this week and once I get home to do that, I’m so tired I pass out at 11 or 12. I have no idea how some of the people on my floor have the stamina to be out at all hours drinking and partying…

On another note, the UBC campus looks almost exactly like the brochure. I mean, it’s enormous and confusing, too and I can never find my way to class, but at least I have some nice scenery while I’m lost. Over the past three days, I think I’ve probably spent about twenty percent of my time on campus just searching for classes. I’m so directionally confused, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be that first-year walking around with a map in her hands when December rolls around. Luckily, I always have classmates who are as equally directionally challenged and are willing to get lost on the way to class with me. On the upside, I don’t have to worry about the dreaded Freshman 15 because I’ll have the Freshman -30 from all the walking I have to do to get to class 🙂

With that said, I’m off to go battle the beast that is laundry, and hope that my clothes don’t all shrink and/or become horribly discoloured.


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