Brace yourselves….

Midterms have begun and as a first year, that’s scary as hell. Especially in engineering where the drop-out rate is over fifty percent, walking into any sort of exam is like walking into the dragon’s lair. Luckily, my only “exam” today was the APSC 150** quiz that I spoke of in my earlier post. It was surprisingly easy; the entire first page of questions was taken exactly from the sample quiz that was posted on Vista. They even asked about why you shouldn’t talk in the middle of presentations, hahah!

I’ve only had one test so far, but I can offer you a few tips for tests:

  1. Review. It’s the easiest way to retain information and you won’t have to cram as much later. Just take ten minutes a day to go over your notes and that’s it!
  2. Don’t be so quick to deactivate Facebook. I know everyone says to delete or deactivate your Facebook, but honestly, it’s pretty useful at times. There’s a lot of great people who have made Facebook groups for specific classes where you can post questions, help other people, discuss concepts and set up study groups.
  3. Eat. A full tummy = happy, healthy brain. ‘Nuff said.
  4. Don’t focus too much on finding the perfect place to study because as long as you’re comfortable and nothing is too distracting, you can get your work done. Go to a library, the floor lounge, or a cafe, sit down, plug in your headphones if it’s noisy, and just work. I find that when I say I’m not in a “good” study location, I’m really just making an excuse to not study.
  5. Midterms begin when the weather starts to get a little chilly, so some hot tea or coffee when you’re studying or on your way to a test goes a long way in soothing those anxious pre-exam nerves ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, one test down, three to go. Let’s do this.

(You didn’t think I was gonna leave this post GIF-less, did you? ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

**Edit: APSC is an applied science course that’s required for all first-years. APSC 150 covers a bunch of case-studies, for example, civil engineering cases, mining engineering, etc as a way to teach you how to behave and work as a professional engineer. The other required first-year APSC course is APSC 160, which is about programming. You take one or the other each semester. Shout out to Courtney for reminding me to explain what the course is!


Why I love Physics 153

Ok, not really, but this happened a while ago and I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST IT.

About a week and a half ago, I was sitting in Physics 153 learning about thermodynamics and linear expansion, blah blah blah when all of a sudden, “WHAT?! NO SEATS?! I HATE WHEN THERE ARE NO SEATS. RAWWRRRRR!”. And I turn around to see the Hulk rampaging through the aisle, leaving a trail of physics homework and textbooks in his wake. Three days later, I see this video in my YouTube subscription feed from the Chengman:

Look closely at 1:27. That tiny burred face in the middle column? Yeah, that’s me.


Back to the grind…

After the first week of school and you’re so exhausted all you really want to do is collapse

I only have four classes this semester but I’m exhausted beyond belief. I’ve already been assigned a small pile of homework this week and once I get home to do that, I’m so tired I pass out at 11 or 12. I have no idea how some of the people on my floor have the stamina to be out at all hours drinking and partying…

On another note, the UBC campus looks almost exactly like the brochure. I mean, it’s enormous and confusing, too and I can never find my way to class, but at least I have some nice scenery while I’m lost. Over the past three days, I think I’ve probably spent about twenty percent of my time on campus just searching for classes. I’m so directionally confused, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be that first-year walking around with a map in her hands when December rolls around. Luckily, I always have classmates who are as equally directionally challenged and are willing to get lost on the way to class with me. On the upside, I don’t have to worry about the dreaded Freshman 15 because I’ll have the Freshman -30 from all the walking I have to do to get to class ๐Ÿ™‚

With that said, I’m off to go battle the beast that is laundry, and hope that my clothes don’t all shrink and/or become horribly discoloured.



Holy crap I hate university desks. They’re so small and tiny I just sit there wondering how the hell I’m supposed to fit my notebook on this thing. It also sucks when you’re left-handed and you’re stuck in that tiny right-handed desk so you’re reduced to having to awkwardly hold your own arm up as you write instead of ย resting it on the thingy that extends from the side of the desk.

Someone please explain to me the logic here.
