Dain Bramaged….

Oh my god. The PHYS 153 midterm yesterday. I don’t even.

It’s like someone took my brain, extracted it through my nose and then pan-fried it. Gruesome, I know, but so was the midterm. Coming out of the exam, it seemed like everyone else was in the same position of me, given all the swearing and trembling hands as we turned in our papers. I spent way too much time going over heat transfer problems from the previous midterms and while taking the exam, this wild blackbody radiation problem comes up, giving you the radius of Mars, the ratio between its distance from the Sun and Earth’s distance from the sun, and then it asked you to find the temperature of Mars. What. The. Shitake mushrooms. Let’s just say there’s a 100% chance that I failed this midterm. I just pray to God that they decide to scale the midterm… until then, I’ll eat away my sorrows by buying buckets of chocolate ice cream.
